
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2020

¿En terminos sencillos cual es la diferencia entre particula y onda?

Una onda es una perturbación oscilatoria que se transmite en un medio, por ejemplo, las olas del mar son ondas que se transmiten en el agua, siendo la perturbación la variación de la altura del nivel del agua. Hay que destacar que el agua como tal no presenta ningún desplazamiento, es decir, cada punto en la superficie del agua solo sube y baja de forma periódica, pero no se desplaza en la dirección horizontal. Otras ondas, como las del sonido, consisten en compresiones y descompresiones del aire, de manera que en cada volumen del espacio la compresión y descompresión del gas ocurre periódicamente. Por otro lado, una partícula es una cantidad de masa puntual. Si juntamos una enorme cantidad de partículas, estas pueden transmitir una onda, como en los ejemplos arriba indicados.

Top Down Shooter Zombie Pack

http://gfxpax.blogspot.com/2011/07/top-down-shooter-zombie-pack.html Ever been making that top down zombie shoot-em-up, but just didn't have the gory awesomeness you need to truly render your vision?  Well, now you do!  Enjoy this top down zombie pack with 10 unique zombies, a zombie-cow-of-death, and a player character with 4 different weapons!  The character and zombies are roughly 64x64 with the zombie-cow-of-death being close to 200x200.  Download it  here ! Here is a DropBox with the available graphics as a back-up link:   DropBox Link Mmmmm, look at all that action....it could be in YOUR game!  What are you waiting for?  Download it!

Admob Unity II

https://github.com/unity-plugins/Unity-Admob Admob Unity Plugin Admob Unity Plugin provides a way to integrate admob ads in Unity3D Game and u3d app. You can use it for Unity iOS and Android App with the same c# or js code. Admob Unity3d Plugin Readme Contents Admob Unity Plugin Description Unity Admob Plugin Features Downloads Admob Unity Plugin Installation Admob Unity Unity Plugin Wiki and Documentation Quick Start Unity Admob Demo Usage Important Tips Screenshots License Admob Unity Plugin Description The Google Mobile Ads SDK is the latest generation in Google mobile advertising featuring refined ad formats and streamlined APIs for access to mobile ad networks and advertising solutions. The SDK enables Unity mobile app developers to maximize their monetization in native mobile apps. This repository contains the source code for the Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin. This plugin enables Unity developers to easily serve Google Mobile Ads on Android and iOS apps without having to write J...

Admob Unity

https://medium.com/@radicho/how-to-implement-admob-in-unity-a-bit-more-detailed-guide-4baed2821cce S ome tips to avoid C# problems and how to solve the ClassNotFoundException unity.ads.UnityAdListener on Android. AdMob — one of the largest global ad networks and Unity — the world’s leading real-time game engine, when combined can make millions of dollars from your games. But it requires a bit more efforts than the official docs suggest. 1. Download the AdMob plugin, resolve the dependencies, and set up the AndroidManifest. These are the basics described on  developers.google.com/admob/unity/start , so make sure to follow them first. And do not forget —  MobileAds.Initialize  should take place on the app startup or at least before any other use of the  MobileAds  SDK. 2. The C# part. Long story short — Your ads class should extend MonoBehaviour. My app had a Controller class and an Ads class, so I tried to initialize an instance of the Ads class in the controller...